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First food: Gyoza Skin Crackers

●Ingredients (for 5 people)
Salt…1 teaspoon
Dumpling skin...5 sheets
Water…2 teaspoons
1. Dissolve salt in water and stir.
2. Apply a thin layer of dissolved salt water to the dumpling skin with your finger.
3. Bake in the toaster oven until slightly browned and it's done.

Click here for detailed explanation

It was thick, crispy, and delicious. However, I think that it is not suitable for small children because it is a little salty. So I think it would be nice to put something on top or add some flavor to it! (For example, chocolate or chocolate sauce) It's easy to make and good when you're a little hungry! Please make it and try it!

            2022 7/25 
        taken by members

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